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Explore Decatur County Museum, Bainbridge Georgia

Artifacts and memorabilia representing the history of Decatur County are on display, with many new items added on a regular basis. A walk through the museum showcases the history of agriculture, business, education and family life in Bainbridge and Decatur County. The Decatur County Historical Society was founded in 1969 by a group of concerned Bainbridge citizens with a desire to preserve our history.

Decatur County Museum

The museum is located across from Willis Park in downtown Bainbridge at 127 E Water Street, Bainbridge, GA 39817. It is typically open Saturdays from 10am-12. Private tours may also be arranged by calling 229-220-3135 or 229-220-8106.

Below are a few items from the museum.

Confederate flag
Confederate Flag of the Hardee Rifles

This is the confederate flag of the Hardee Rifles, who actually was Company H of the 5th Georgia Regiment.
Flag is from April 15, 1861.

Old County Documents and a
Campaign Poster for Marvin Griffin for Governor in 1962

Cyprus Dugout Canoe
Length 12ft 11" Width 24" Depth 14", wood is bald cypress or swamp cypress
Cyprus Dugout Canoe

Found June 20, 1990 by Winston Kelly and Larry Poitevint in the east bank of the Flint River about 5 miles north of Bainbridge.

Probably made by using a combination of fire and carving with a sharp metal tool such as an axe or adze. There is some apparent evidence of burning inside the hull and extensive evidence of cuts made by sharp tools in shaping the inside and outside of the hull.

The method of shaping suggests the canoe was not made by native American Indians with their technology in ancient days. It was probably made after European settlers and their helpers came into the territory with their tools. The canoe, therefore, probably was made not earlier than in the late 1700's or early 1800's in the style of an Indian dugout.

The canoe is one of only four or five dugouts ever found in Georgia, although more than 100 have been found in FLorida. Archaeologist from State agencies in both Georgia and Florida assert that this is probably the best preserved dugout canoe relic found to date.

It is small for the type craft, probably used to ordinarily carry only one person and some cargo. "Ledges" carved into the interior are probably platforms or seat supports. The notches in the gunwales, one near the bow and one near the stern, were probably to hold a pole or steering sweep.

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